What is Paranoia ?
Could the way I’m feeling be due to a paranoid psychosis?
The word "paranoia" is used to describe when someone is experiencing a delusion that they are being watched, people are out to get them, their life is in danger, they are suffering from an unknown disease, under control of an unknown person or entity or being directed by God etc. Someone suffering from paranoid delusions may have difficulty distinguishing between what is real and not real.
Paranoid thinking typically includes beliefs of
persecution or beliefs concerning a perceived threat towards
oneself. Paranoia can also be a side effect of medicinal or recreational drugs
such as marijuana (pot, gange, herb, weed) and particularly stimulants such as
methamphetamine and crack cocaine. Commonly experienced paranoid delusions can
include the belief that you are being followed, poisoned or loved from a
distance (often by a well known person, tv personality or other important
person, a delusion referred to as erotomania or de Clerambault syndrome). Other
common paranoid delusions include feeling that you have an imaginary disease,
infested by a parasite (delusional parasitosis); delusions can include
persons believing that they are on a special mission or has been chosen by God;
that the person hears voices has had thoughts inserted into their head; or that
the person's actions are being directed by a higher order or by an external
What should I do if I think I am suffering from delusions or paranoia?
If you think you may be experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above you should contact your GP as soon as possible.
As with any physical or mental illness your GP is usually the first point of contact and will be able to assess your symptoms.
It is important to note that using illicit
substances can increase the risk of developing symptoms
and so continuing to use drugs whilst you have potential mental health
issues can worsen the symptoms
that you are experiencing.

What is Psychosis factsheet
First Aid
for Psychosis
> Contact your GP
> Confide in Family/Friends
> Abstain from Cannabis
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