Services (treatment of Psychosis)

1. Rapid Assessment

DETECT provides a rapid comprehensive assessment service for individuals who may be experiencing a first episode of psychosis.

A comprehensive assessment process will not only improve individual care, but will also assist in measuring the effectiveness of the interventions provided to treat psychosis. The assessment is carried out by a trained clinician from the DETECT team, usually a doctor or nurse. We respond to referrals within 72 hours making contact with the person who has been referred and arranging a mutually agreeable time to meet.

The process usually involves a few meetings with individuals and then separately with family members, where possible.

The assessment location is flexible depending on the preference of the individual and can happen at home, the GP surgery or the DETECT office.


psychosis assessment services
© Detect Modified 14/10/11DETECT is an acronym for Dublin and East Treatment and Early Care Team

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