First-Aid - Psychosis
If you think you may be experiencing psychosis you should contact your GP as soon as possible.
As with any physical or mental illness your GP is usually the first point of contact and will be able to assess your symptoms. This could be your own family GP, a college GP, a GP associated with your work or alternatively if you do not have a GP please find one here.
Your GP will be able to point you in the right direction based on the information you give him/her so it is important that you tell the GP all of the symptoms you have been experiencing. In addition, you may want to confide in someone close to you that can support you through the process of visiting your GP and accessing services to help you.
It is important to point out that using illicit substances can increase the risk of developing symptoms of psychosis and so continuing to use drugs whilst you have psychosis can worsen the symptoms that you are experiencing.