5. Family Interventions
Carer Education
When someone in the family is affected by psychosis their relatives often report feeling confused, uncertain and pessimistic about the future. Families can help themselves and their affected relative by attending family interventions such as carer education courses. Research shows that families who attend these courses gain knowledge, experience less burden and importantly, their affected relative is less likely to relapse and be admitted to hospital (1).
DETECT provides an education course with reliable information about psychosis, and with advice and discussion on dealing with some of the problems you may encounter.
If you have ever asked yourself any of these questions:
- What does it mean when the doctor says my relative has a psychotic illness?
- Have others had similar problems?
- Have we done something very wrong that brought this about?
- What might it mean for my relative's future?
- What treatments and support are available?
- How can the family help with recovery?
. . . . . a carer education course may be for you.
If you live in the DETECT catchment area we have courses every 2 months. For people outside the catchment area please talk to your relative's clinical team or contact Schizophrenia Ireland.